沃伦市设有COVID/Flu免费诊所,Bertolasio牙科为儿童提供免费服务,标志着2月以健康为重点的活动。 Warren City hosts free COVID/Flu clinic, Bertolasio Dental offers free services for kids, marking health-focused February.
Warren市卫生区本周三在公共图书馆和Hampshire住宅公寓设有一个免费的COVID/Flu疫苗诊所,无需预约。 Warren City Health District is hosting a free COVID/Flu vaccine clinic this Wednesday with no appointment needed, available at the Public Library and Hampshire House Apartments. 2月5日,Bertolasio Dental向2-18岁儿童提供免费牙科服务。 Bertolasio Dental offers free dental services to kids aged 2-18 on February 5. 2月也是美国心脏月,重点是心脏健康;当地卫生系统正在提供资源和筛查。 February is also American Heart Month, focusing on heart health; local health systems are providing resources and screenings. 此外,在Youngstown安排了各种保健活动,包括Lupus支助会议、移动乳房X线造影筛查以及为未投保者提供免费保健诊所。 Additionally, various health events are scheduled in Youngstown, including Lupus support meetings, mobile mammography screenings, and free health clinics for the uninsured.