Trine大学公布了改善学生设施和学习环境的120M计划。 Trine University unveils $120M plan to enhance student facilities and learning environments.
Trine大学发起了一项1.2亿美元的总计划,称为“大的东西”,该计划得到董事会的核可,目的是改善学生设施和学习环境。 Trine University has launched a $120 million master plan called "Something Greater," endorsed by its Board of Trustees, aimed at enhancing student facilities and learning environments. 关键项目包括一个新的学生设计中心、200张床位的宿舍、Zollner体育馆和Hershey Hall的升级,以及增加绿色空间。 Key projects include a new student design center, a 200-bed residence hall, upgrades to Zollner Stadium and Hershey Hall, and increased green spaces. 该计划将指导大学的下一场基本建设运动,并在最近的设施投资1亿多美元的基础上再接再厉。 The plan will guide the university's next capital campaign and builds on over $100 million in recent facilities investments.