Trae Young得分的赢家, 结束了亚特兰大霍克斯的八场比赛 输赢底特律活塞。 Trae Young scores game-winner, ending Atlanta Hawks' eight-game losing streak against Detroit Pistons.
Trae Young在最后几秒钟 赢得了一场比赛的篮子 带领亚特兰大鹰队 在底特律活塞队取得132 -130的胜利 Trae Young scored a game-winning basket in the final seconds, leading the Atlanta Hawks to a 132-130 victory over the Detroit Pistons. 尽管Young没有进行全明星游戏,但贡献了34分,以同样的分数连续第二场比赛。 Despite not making the All-Star Game, Young contributed 34 points, marking his second consecutive game with the same score. 霍克队以23-27的成绩改善,结束了连续8场失利,而活塞队在第四季度的强反弹下降到25-25. The Hawks improved to 23-27, ending an eight-game losing streak, while the Pistons fell to 25-25 despite a strong rally in the fourth quarter.