NIFT 入境考试2025 释放入境卡;在92个中心定于2月9日进行考试。 NIFT Entrance Exam 2025 admit cards released; test set for February 9 in 92 centers.
国家测试局为将于2月9日在92个中心举行的NIFT2025入口考试发放了入学卡。 The National Testing Agency has released admit cards for the NIFT Entrance Exam 2025, to be held on February 9 in 92 centers. 考试将采用计算机和纸质两种模式,用于各种时装和设计方案。 The exam will be in both Computer-Based and Paper-Based modes for various fashion and design programs. 候选人必须使用申请号码和出生日期,从国家培训局的官方网站上下载他们的入职卡,并打印成册,同时附上有效身份证参加考试。 Candidates must download their admit cards from the NTA's official website using their application number and birthdate, print it, and bring it along with a valid ID to the exam.