NAPCO安全技术公司看到Q2销售下降,但安全解决方案的收益使投资者保持兴趣。 NAPCO Security Technologies sees Q2 sales fall, but gains in security solutions keep investors interested.
NAPCO安全技术报告,2025年问题2的结果好坏参半,年复一年的经常性服务收入和净销售额减少9.7%,但RSR增加14.4%,达到2 120万美元。 NAPCO Security Technologies reported mixed results for Q2 2025, with a 9.7% decrease in year-over-year recurring service revenue and net sales, but a 14.4% increase in RSR to $21.2 million. 该公司的总利润率提高到57.0%。 The company's gross profit margin improved to 57.0%. 首席执行官理查德·索洛韦指出,入侵和进入警报产品销售滞后,部分原因是分销商管理重组,但强调学校和医疗保健安全解决方案的增长。 CEO Richard Soloway noted lagging sales in intrusion and access alarm products, partly due to a distributor's management restructuring, but highlighted growth in school and healthcare security solutions. 尽管缺少收入估计,但机构投资者增加了在该公司的持有量。 Despite missing earnings estimates, institutional investors have increased their holdings in the company.