蒙大拿报纸面临技术中断, 扰乱读者的印刷版和网络版。 Montana newspapers face tech outages, disrupting print and online editions for readers.
包括Missoulian、《公报》和《标准》在内的多家蒙大拿报纸在星期二面临技术中断,影响到其印刷版和电子版。 Multiple Montana newspapers, including the Missoulian, the Gazette, and the Standard, faced tech outages on Tuesday, affecting both their print and electronic editions. 读者在接收每日新闻时遭遇拖延和中断。 Readers experienced delays and disruptions in receiving their daily news. 中断的程度各有不同,但所有受影响的论文都努力尽快解决问题。 The extent of the disruption varied, but all affected papers worked to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.