男子在奥克兰Birkenhead被刺伤;警察在繁忙的现场附近进行调查并寻找证人。 Man stabbed in Birkenhead, Auckland; police investigate and seek witnesses near busy scene.
一名男子在奥克兰的Birkenhead被严重刺伤,被送往奥克兰市医院。 A man was severely stabbed in Birkenhead, Auckland, and rushed to Auckland City Hospital. 袭击发生在下午2时左右,发生在Birkenhead大道,警察关上街道,寻找证人和关于一辆逃离车辆的信息。 The attack happened around 2 pm on Birkenhead Avenue, with police closing the street and seeking witnesses and information about a fleeing vehicle. Simon Harrison警探正在领导调查 现场检查已经安排好了 Detective Inspector Simon Harrison is leading the investigation, and a scene examination is scheduled. 由于警力增加和交通不便,建议公众避开该地区。 The public is advised to avoid the area due to increased police presence and traffic diversions.