爱情岛剧情爆发,萨米·伊利希回来,与卢卡·比什的紧张关系升级. Love Island drama erupts as Samie Elishi returns and tensions rise with Luca Bish.
前爱岛参赛者Samie Elishi又回到系列节目, Samie Elishi, a former Love Island contestant, has returned to the series as a "bombshell," causing tensions in the villa, especially with Luca Bish. Luca已经和Grace Jackson有关系了 但他和Samie在演出前交换了信息 增加了剧情 Luca is already in a relationship with Grace Jackson, but he and Samie exchanged messages before the show, adding to the drama. Samie先前在2023年赛季和Tom Clare约会过, Samie previously dated Tom Clare during the 2023 season, but their relationship ended shortly after the show. 卢卡的情况 正在制造混乱 并加重了节目的戏剧。 The situation with Luca is creating confusion and adding to the show's drama.