堪萨斯城酋长队和费城老鹰队在超级碗开幕之夜的媒体狂热中航行。 Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles navigate media frenzy at Super Bowl opening night.
堪萨斯城酋长队和费城老鹰队在超级碗开幕之夜面对媒体马戏团,两支球队都与过去的出场相识甚远。 The Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles face the media circus at Super Bowl opening night, with both teams familiar from past appearances. 头领们的目标是三比特,而鹰队则寻求他们的第二个奖杯。 The Chiefs aim to three-peat, while the Eagles seek their second trophy. 媒体日已发展成为一个黄金时段的场景,来自26个国家的6 000多名媒体成员参加。 Media Day has evolved into a prime-time spectacle with over 6,000 media members from 26 countries. 两个小组必须在访谈和准备之间保持平衡,在抵达新奥尔良之前,大多数游戏规划已经完成,以便保持专注,避免分散注意力。 Both teams must balance interviews and preparation, with most game planning completed before arriving in New Orleans, to stay focused and avoid distractions.