Josh Kraft, 爱国者党所有者Robert Kraft的儿子, 为波士顿市长发起投标, 重点是经济适用住房。 Josh Kraft, son of Patriots owner Robert Kraft, launches bid for Boston mayor, focusing on affordable housing.
Josh Kraft, 新英格兰爱国者党主Robert Kraft的儿子, 正在竞选波士顿市长, Josh Kraft, son of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, is running for mayor of Boston, aiming to unseat incumbent Mayor Michelle Wu. Kraft因与男童和女童俱乐部等慈善组织合作而闻名,计划把重点放在负担得起的住房上,30多年来一直参与慈善工作。 Kraft, known for his work with charitable organizations like the Boys & Girls Club, plans to focus on affordable housing and has been involved in philanthropic efforts for over 30 years. 如果当选,他将成为波士顿首任犹太市长。 If elected, he would be the first Jewish mayor of Boston. Kraft的竞选活动于星期二正式开始, 重点是建设更多住房单位以降低成本。 Kraft's campaign officially begins on Tuesday with a focus on building more housing units to lower costs.