印度最高法院规定所有残疾候选人都可以在考试中使用文笔, India's Supreme Court rules all disabled candidates can use scribes in exams, ending 40% disability criteria.
印度最高法院裁定,所有残疾候选人无论是否符合前40%的残疾基准标准,都可以使用文士考试。 The Supreme Court of India has ruled that all disabled candidates can use scribes for exams, regardless of meeting the previous 40% benchmark disability criteria. 法院命令政府修订准则,建立申诉门户网站,并延长登记证书的有效期。 The court ordered the government to revise guidelines, set up a grievance portal, and extend scribe certificate validity. 该决定旨在确保所有残疾人在竞争考试中平等获得机会和福利。 This decision aims to ensure equal access and benefits for all persons with disabilities in competitive exams.