印度海军为改进造船质量和自食其力,设有一个委员会。 India's Navy hosts a conclave to improve shipbuilding quality and self-reliance.
印度海军于2月7日在新德里主办一个质量保证会议,以加强国防部门和造船部门之间的对话与合作。 The Indian Navy is hosting a Quality Assurance Conclave on February 7 in New Delhi to enhance dialogue and cooperation between defense and shipbuilding sectors. 本次活动旨在与印度在造船方面的自力更生和卓越愿景保持一致。 The event aims to align with India's vision for self-reliance and excellence in shipbuilding. 政府、工业和质量保证专家领导人将讨论提高船舶建设质量保证、效率和绩效的战略,确保海军平台达到高标准的行动准备状态。 Leaders from government, industry, and QA experts will discuss strategies to improve quality assurance, efficiency, and performance in shipbuilding, ensuring naval platforms meet high standards of operational readiness.