印度为零售算法交易制定了新的规则,以保护投资者和精简程序。 India introduces new rules for retail algorithmic trading to protect investors and streamline processes.
印度的市场监管者为零售投资者的算法交易引入了新的规则,要求为algo订单和超过设定阈值的algos注册提供独特的识别码。 India's market regulator has introduced new rules for algorithmic trading by retail investors, requiring unique identifiers for algo orders and registration for algos exceeding a set threshold. 这些规则旨在保护零售投资者,同时允许更快地执行订单并降低成本。 The rules aim to protect retail investors while allowing faster order execution and reduced costs. 零售业投资者只能通过注册经纪人进入经核准的营业所,供应商需要与交易所打交道。 Retail investors will access approved algos only through registered brokers, with providers needing to be empaneled with exchanges. 规则从8月1日起生效。 The rules take effect from August 1.