Emmmy获奖记者Chuck Goudie于2月10日加入NBC 5芝加哥调查队。 Emmy-winning journalist Chuck Goudie joins NBC 5 Chicago's investigative team on Feb. 10.
查克·古迪 (Chuck Goudie) 是一位功勋卓著的调查记者,以其在犯罪和政治腐败方面的工作而闻名,他将于 2 月 10 日加入 NBC 5 芝加哥的“NBC 5 调查”团队。 Chuck Goudie, a decorated investigative journalist known for his work on crime and political corruption, is joining NBC 5 Chicago's "NBC 5 Investigates" team on February 10. Emmy和Edward R. Murrow获奖者Goudie在WLS-Channel 7的40年职业生涯中在WLS-Channel 7获得名声,12月离开。 Goudie, an Emmy and Edward R. Murrow Award winner, gained fame at WLS-Channel 7 over a 40-year career before leaving in December. 在NBC 5, 他将与记者Bennett Haeberle及制片人Katy Smyser和Lisa Capitanini合作。 At NBC 5, he will work with reporter Bennett Haeberle and producers Katy Smyser and Lisa Capitanini.