德里高等法院通知首席部长阿提西(Atishi), BJP领导人质疑驳回诽谤案。 Delhi High Court notices Chief Minister Atishi over BJP leader's challenge to dismissed defamation case.
德里高等法院在BJP领导人Praveen Shankar Kapoor质疑驳回针对她的诽谤案后,向首席部长Atishi发出了通知。 The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to Chief Minister Atishi after BJP leader Praveen Shankar Kapoor challenged the dismissal of a defamation case against her. Kapoor对Atishii声称BJP试图贿赂AAP立法者以改变立场提出诉讼。 Kapoor filed the case over Atishi's claims that the BJP attempted to bribe AAP legislators to switch sides. 该案最初被驳回,但Kapoor认为法院逾越了其界限。 The case was initially dismissed, but Kapoor argues the court overstepped its bounds. 4月30日将再次听取此事。 The matter will be heard again on April 30.