波士顿市市长Michelle Wu提出了食品供应应用程序新规则,以解决安全和交通投诉。 Boston Mayor Michelle Wu proposes new rules for food delivery apps to address safety and traffic complaints.
波士顿市市长Michelle Wu已提出新条例, 要求大型食品交付应用程序获得城市许可, 规定所有司机都必须投保, 并共享交付数据。 Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has proposed new regulations requiring large food delivery apps to obtain city permits, mandating insurance for all drivers and sharing delivery data. 这一行动回应了100多项有关危险驾驶和交通问题的投诉。 This move responds to over 100 complaints about dangerous driving and traffic issues. 虽然法令旨在改善安全和交通流量,但像DoorDash这样的公司认为它可能导致价格上涨。 While the ordinance aims to improve safety and traffic flow, companies like DoorDash argue it could lead to price increases. 该提案正在等待市议会批准。 The proposal is pending approval by the City Council.