阿塞拜疆和哈萨克斯坦正在加强军事关系,讨论在国防和培训方面的合作。 Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are boosting military ties, discussing cooperation in defense and training.
阿塞拜疆和哈萨克斯坦正在探索加强军事合作,高级国防官员举行会议,讨论当前和未来在军事、军事技术和教育领域的合作。 Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are exploring enhanced military cooperation, with high-level defense officials meeting to discuss current and future collaboration in military, military-technical, and educational areas. 会谈强调历史纽带,还讨论了地区安全以及联合演习对提高军事专业性的好处。 The talks, emphasizing historical ties, also addressed regional security and the benefits of joint exercises in boosting military professionalism. 还讨论了其他共同利益。 Other common interests were also discussed.