阿拉巴马州立法者将在立法会议上处理犯罪、移民和预算问题。 Alabama lawmakers to tackle crime, immigration, and budget issues in legislative session.
阿拉巴马州的立法者将在立法会议期间处理犯罪、非法移民和财政问题。 Alabama lawmakers are set to address crime, illegal immigration, and fiscal issues during their legislative session. Ivey州长将公共安全列为优先事项,伯明翰的凶杀案数量创下历史新高,这促使人们把重点放在犯罪立法上。 Governor Ivey prioritizes public safety, with Birmingham's record number of homicides prompting a focus on crime legislation. 该议程还包括讨论国家预算、医疗补助费用和可能的减税,而赌博和保健的扩展仍然是辩论的主题。 The agenda also includes discussions on the state budget, Medicaid costs, and potential tax cuts, while gambling and health care expansion remain topics of debate. 会议将从总督的国务咨文发言开始。 The session will begin with the Governor's State of the State address.