工人在多伦多广告牌上工作时从梯子上摔下来死亡;调查正在进行中。 Worker falls to death from ladder while working on Toronto billboard; investigation underway.
星期一早上八点半左右在巴瑟斯特和杜邦街附近的多伦多西端的广告牌上工作时,一名工人从梯子上摔倒而死。 A worker died after falling from a ladder while working on a billboard in Toronto's west end near Bathurst and Dupont streets on Monday morning around 8:30 a.m. Paramedics rushed to the scene but could not save the worker. 劳动部已接到通知,并正在调查这一事件。 The Ministry of Labour has been notified and is investigating the incident. 工人的身份尚未披露。 The worker's identity has not been disclosed.