WWE的首席内容干事三H在2025年单独进入WWE的名人堂。 Triple H, WWE's Chief Content Officer, is individually inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame for 2025.
据WWE新闻发布,Triple H 已被单独入选WWE名人堂,并将在2025年加入WWE名人堂. WWE Chief Content Officer and former wrestler Triple H has been individually inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame for 2025, announced during a WWE Town Hall meeting. 这个惊喜来自WWWE的传奇人物Shawn Michaels 和作案家和执行主任Nick Khan。 The surprise came from WWE legends Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker along with Executive Director Nick Khan. 已经是2019年D-Generation X(D-Generation X)上岗培训的一员的三人H表示深切的情感和感激,指出这是表彰他的职业生涯成就的一个重大荣誉。 Triple H, already a member of the 2019 D-Generation X induction, expressed deep emotion and gratitude, noting it as a significant honor recognizing his career achievements. 入会仪式预计将于 4 月在 WrestleMania 41 举行。 The induction ceremony is expected at WrestleMania 41 in April.