Shane Chaney将于星期一宣誓就任卡斯伯警察局临时局长。 Shane Chaney will be sworn in as the interim chief of the Casper Police Department on Monday.
Shane Chaney将于星期一上午8时在市政厅宣誓就职,担任卡斯伯警察局临时局长。 Shane Chaney will be sworn in as the interim chief of the Casper Police Department on Monday at 8 a.m. at City Hall. Ray Pacheco市长说,Chaney自2022年以来一直担任副局长,以前曾是上尉,预计他将为该部带来宝贵的领导才能。 Chaney, who has been the deputy chief since 2022 and formerly a captain, is expected to bring valuable leadership to the department, according to Mayor Ray Pacheco. 邀请公众参加仪式;但由于座位有限,请与会者提前抵达。 The public is invited to attend the ceremony; however, attendees are advised to arrive early due to limited seating.