西雅图海鹰队改造进攻性教练人员 雇用亚诺科和本顿 Seattle Seahawks revamp offensive coaching staff, hiring Janocko and Benton, to boost struggling offense.
西雅图海鹰队雇用安德鲁·雅诺科为四分卫教练,约翰·本顿为进攻性直线教练,两人以前都与新奥尔良的新进攻性协调员克林特·库比亚克合作。 The Seattle Seahawks have hired Andrew Janocko as quarterbacks coach and John Benton as offensive line coach, both previously working with new offensive coordinator Klint Kubiak in New Orleans. 该队还保留了外接手教练弗里斯曼·杰克逊。 The team also retains wide receivers coach Frisman Jackson. 这些变化是在前进攻性协调员瑞安·格鲁布遭枪击后发生的。 These changes follow the firing of former offensive coordinator Ryan Grubb. 海鹰队完成了2024年的赛季,在每场赛事中排第28位,第18位。 The Seahawks finished the 2024 season ranked 28th in rushing and 18th in points per game.