Rajasthan提出法案,将强迫改变宗教信仰定为犯罪,最高可判处10年监禁。 Rajasthan proposes bill criminalizing coerced religious conversions with up to 10 years in prison.
拉贾斯坦邦政府提出了一项防止强迫宗教皈依的法案,要求自愿皈依需提前60天通知。 Rajasthan's government introduced a bill to prevent forced religious conversions, requiring a 60-day notice for voluntary conversions. 处罚包括10年以下监禁和对强迫皈依者处以最高50 000卢比的罚款,对未成年人、妇女和部落社区给予特别保护。 Penalties include up to 10 years in prison and fines up to Rs 50,000 for coerced conversions, with special protections for minors, women, and tribal communities. 该法案旨在维护宗教自由,同时防止欺骗性改变信仰,符合印度的世俗价值观。 The bill aims to uphold religious freedom while preventing deceitful conversions, aligning with India's secular values.