菲律宾银行联盟银行和BPI报告说,尽管成本不断上涨,但2024年的净收入却大幅增加。 Philippine banks UnionBank and BPI report significant net income increases in 2024, despite rising costs.
菲律宾联合银行由Aboitiz家族领导,由于消费者贷款强劲和收费收入增长,2024年净收入增长31%,达到120亿菲律宾比索。 UnionBank of the Philippines, led by the Aboitiz family, saw a 31% rise in net income to P12 billion in 2024, due to strong consumer loans and fee-based revenue growth. 与此同时,由Ayala领导的BPI报告说,由于利息收入增加和资产扩张,净收入增加20%,达到620亿比索。 Meanwhile, BPI, led by Ayala, reported a 20% increase in net income to P62 billion, driven by higher interest income and asset expansion. 这两家银行都强调,尽管业务费用和坏账备抵增加,但增长幅度很大。 Both banks highlighted significant growth despite increased operating costs and provisions for bad loans.