Paytm 投资 $1M 收购了巴西金融科技公司 Dinie 的母公司 Seven Technology 25% 的股份。 Paytm invests $1M for a 25% stake in US firm Seven Technology, parent of Brazilian fintech Dinie.
印度领先的数字支付公司Paytm正在投资100万美元, 收购巴西金融科技公司Dinie的美国母公司Seven Technology LLC的25%股权. Paytm, India's leading digital payment firm, is investing $1 million for a 25% stake in Seven Technology LLC, a US-based parent company of Brazilian fintech Dinie. 此举旨在帮助Paytm了解巴西的商贸格局,并有可能将其服务扩展到类似的国际市场。 This move aims to help Paytm understand the Brazilian merchant landscape and potentially expand its services into similar international markets. 迪尼利用巴西不断增长的数字融资生态系统,向巴西的小企业提供数字金融服务。 Dinie provides digital financial services to small businesses in Brazil, leveraging the country's growing digital finance ecosystem.