由于机械问题而从休斯顿机场飞机上撤离的乘客没有受伤报告。 Passengers evacuated from a Houston airport plane due to a mechanical issue; no injuries reported.
由于据报发生机械故障,乘客今天从休斯顿布什机场的一架飞机上撤离。 Passengers were evacuated from a plane at Houston's Bush Airport today due to a reported mechanical issue. 撤离行动是作为一项预防措施进行的,没有报告有人受伤。 The evacuation was conducted as a precautionary measure and no injuries were reported. 机场官员证实,飞机后来经过检查,机场的作业已恢复正常。 Airport officials confirmed that the plane was inspected afterward, and operations at the airport have since returned to normal.