Outlaw 音乐节的 10 周年巡演将于 8 月 10 日在雪城举行,由 Willie Nelson 和 Bob Dylan 主演。 The Outlaw Music Festival's 10th Anniversary Tour, featuring Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan, comes to Syracuse on Aug. 10.
2025 年 8 月 10 日,由威利·尼尔森 (Willie Nelson) 和鲍勃·迪伦 (Bob Dylan) 等人主演的 Outlaw 音乐节 10 周年巡演将于纽约中部在雪城湖景的 Empower 联邦信用合作社圆形剧场举行。 The Outlaw Music Festival's 10th Anniversary Tour, featuring Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan, among others, is coming to Central New York on August 10, 2025, at the Empower Federal Credit Union Amphitheater at Lakeview in Syracuse. 这次旅行跨越 22 个州的 35 个站点,从 5 月 13 日开始,到 9 月 19 日结束。 The tour, spanning 35 stops across 22 states, starts on May 13 and ends on September 19. 2月7日售出票, 2月4日至6日花旗卡会员预售票。 Tickets go on sale February 7, with a presale for Citi card members from February 4 to 6.