Nick Gleeson 将顶级喜剧演员带到新南威尔士州的乡村城镇,旨在增加当地的娱乐选择。 Nick Gleeson brings top comedians to rural NSW towns, aiming to enhance local entertainment options.
尼克·格里森 (Nick Gleeson) 曾是一名咖啡馆老板,后来成为区域喜剧推广者,他将知名喜剧演员带到新南威尔士州的乡村小镇,包括达博、奥兰治、塔姆沃思、莫隆、阿米代尔和因弗雷尔。 Nick Gleeson, a former cafe owner turned regional comedy promoter, is bringing well-known comedians to rural towns in New South Wales, including Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth, Molong, Armidale, and Inverell. Gleeson 认为,居民应该无需前往悉尼即可获得高质量的娱乐活动。 Gleeson believes residents should have access to quality entertainment without traveling to Sydney. 他的喜剧之夜以 Bec Charlwood 和 Tom Ballard 等表演者为特色,吸引了大量人群并支持当地企业。 His comedy nights feature performers like Bec Charlwood and Tom Ballard, drawing large crowds and supporting local businesses. 门票可以通过 TryBooking 和 Central West Comedy 社交媒体页面购买。 Tickets can be bought through TryBooking and the Central West Comedy social media pages.