莫莉·皮尔斯 (Mollie Pearce) 在 Dancing on Ice 的现场表演之前面临挫折,米凯拉·斯特拉坎 (Michaela Strachan) 是获胜的热门人选。 Mollie Pearce faces a setback before Dancing on Ice's live show, with Michaela Strachan as the favorite to win.
喜剧演员Josh Jones因受伤退出后, 在冰上跳舞的参赛者Mollie Pearce在现场表演前面临挫折。 Dancing on Ice contestant Mollie Pearce faces a setback before the live show, following comedian Josh Jones' exit due to injury. 野生生物电视主持人Michaela Strachan最喜欢在13/8时获胜,Mollie第二位在5/2,Cronation Street的Sam Aston在3/1。 TV wildlife presenter Michaela Strachan is the favorite to win at 13/8, with Mollie second at 5/2, and Coronation Street's Sam Aston at 3/1. 前足球运动员安东·费迪南德和奥运传说史提夫·雷德格雷夫爵士也分别在40/1和100/1比赛。 Former footballer Anton Ferdinand and Olympic legend Sir Steve Redgrave are also competing at 40/1 and 100/1 respectively.