Hannah Yeoh部长反对在她对一名大学讲师提起的诽谤诉讼案中的证人证词。 Minister Hannah Yeoh objects to witness statements in her defamation lawsuit against a university lecturer.
Hannah Yeoh部长对支持马来西亚Utara大学Kamarul Zaman Yusoff讲师对他提出诽谤诉讼的四项证人证词提出初步反对意见。 Minister Hannah Yeoh raised a preliminary objection to four witness statements supporting Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer Kamarul Zaman Yusoff in her defamation lawsuit against him. Yeoh声称,这些言论超出了诽谤案的范围,该案涉及2017年5月以来的两篇脸书文章,指控她推行基督教议程。 Yeoh claims that the statements go beyond the scope of the defamation case, which involves two Facebook posts from May 2017 accusing her of pushing a Christian agenda. 审判已进入第6天,Aliza法官将听取进一步的论点。 The trial is in its sixth day, and Judge Aliza will hear further arguments.