当地电台和食物午餐盒宣传喜剧演员Bobby即将推出的喜剧特别节目,包括传单和广告。 Local radio stations and eatery Lunchbox promote comedian Bobby's upcoming comedy special with flyers and ads.
当地电台正在和当地一家餐厅的午餐盒合作, 宣传喜剧演员Bobby即将推出的喜剧特别节目。 Local radio stations are teaming up with Lunchbox, a local eatery, to promote comedian Bobby's upcoming comedy special. 午餐盒正在全镇散发传单和海报, Lunchbox is handing out flyers and posters around town to spread the word. 特别节目即将推出,各广播电台,包括KCAD、WAMZ、WEZL、Bull、Aggie 96、Q104.1和K99国家电台,正在分享详情。 The special is set to debut soon, and details are being shared across various radio stations including KCAD, WAMZ, WEZL, The Bull, Aggie 96, Q104.1, and K99 Country.