利比里亚律师协会呼吁进行改革,在对权利的关切中保护民主。 Liberia's bar association calls for reforms to protect democracy amid rights concerns.
利比里亚全国律师协会(LNBA),由新任主席Cllr领导。 The Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA), under new president Cllr. Bornor M. Varmah正在敦促进行改革,以保护利比里亚的宪政民主,并列举了最近的威胁,如指称的侵犯人权行为和无视司法裁决的行政行动。 Bornor M. Varmah, is urging reforms to protect Liberia's constitutional democracy, citing recent threats like alleged human rights violations and executive actions that ignore judicial decisions. Varmah主张加强问责机制,并呼吁利比里亚国家律师协会在为法律从业人员制定道德标准和采取纪律行动方面拥有更大的权威。 Varmah advocates for stronger accountability mechanisms and calls for the LNBA to have more authority in setting ethical standards and disciplinary actions for legal practitioners. LNBA 旨在与政策制定者和公民社会合作,以确保宪法权利得到维护并提高司法意见的质量。 The LNBA aims to collaborate with policymakers and civil society to ensure constitutional rights are upheld and to improve the quality of judicial opinions.