Jose Grande在Kennewick被捕,罪名是殴打家庭成员并持有火器。 Jose Grande arrested in Kennewick for assaulting family members and possessing a firearm.
一名44岁的男子Jose Grande在华盛顿的Kennewick被捕,据称他袭击了家庭成员并持有火器。 A 44-year-old man, Jose Grande, was arrested in Kennewick, Washington, for allegedly assaulting family members and possessing a firearm. 警方对一名武装嫌疑人的报告作出了回应,但无法说服他投降。 Police responded to reports of an armed suspect but were unable to persuade him to surrender. 三城地区特警小组的一部分被召入,Grande最终在没有发生意外的情况下投降,并被带到本顿县监狱。 A portion of the Tri-City Regional SWAT team was called in, and Grande eventually surrendered without incident and was taken to the Benton County Jail.