杰里米·斯特朗 (Jeremy Strong) 与本·阿弗莱克 (Ben Affleck) 和凯西·阿弗莱克 (Casey Affleck) 一起在格莱美颁奖典礼上拍摄了 Dunkin' 广告,预告了超级碗的亮相。 Jeremy Strong joins Ben and Casey Affleck in a Dunkin' commercial at the Grammys, teasing a Super Bowl appearance.
《继承》明星杰里米·斯特朗 (Jeremy Strong) 在格莱美颁奖典礼期间与本·阿弗莱克 (Ben Affleck) 和凯西·阿弗莱克 (Casey Affleck) 一起出现在 Dunkin' 广告中。 Jeremy Strong, a "Succession" star, appeared in a Dunkin' commercial during the Grammy Awards, alongside Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck. 这部广告的标题是"豆子方法",以幽默的方式展示了斯特朗作为一个方法演员,他从一个巨大的克咖啡豆中出来,为自己的角色做准备. The ad, titled "The Bean Method," humorously shows Strong as a method actor preparing for his role by emerging from a giant can of Dunkin' coffee beans. 广告在2025年2月9日的超级碗露面, 暗示来自Ben和DunKings的更多内容。 The commercial teases a Super Bowl appearance on February 9, 2025, suggesting more content from Ben and the "DunKings."