印度国会设立了监测选举的委员会,对操纵选民名单表示关切。 Indian Congress forms committee to monitor elections, citing concerns over voter list manipulation.
印度国民议会成立了一个由八名成员组成的称为EAGLE的委员会,以监测印度选举委员会举行自由、公正选举的情况。 The Indian National Congress has formed an eight-member committee called EAGLE to monitor the conduct of free and fair elections by the Election Commission of India. 该委员会将初步调查在马哈拉施特拉邦操纵选民名单的指控,审查过去的选举。 The committee will initially investigate alleged voter list manipulation in Maharashtra and review past elections. 这一举动发生在德里议会选举之前,是在国会指控选举委员会操纵选举之后采取的。 The move comes before the Delhi Assembly elections and follows accusations of electoral manipulation made by the Congress against the Election Commission.