1月,加纳的通货膨胀率降至23.5%,这是五个月来首次下降,但仍然很高。 Ghana's inflation rate dropped to 23.5% in January, its first decline in five months, but remains high.
1月,加纳的通货膨胀率降至23.5%,标志着五个月来首次下降。 Ghana's inflation rate fell to 23.5% in January, marking the first decline in five months. 在非粮食通货膨胀下降的同时,粮食价格继续上涨,特别是蔬菜、输油管和平板食品价格上升。 While non-food inflation dropped, food prices continued to rise, particularly for vegetables, tubers, and plantains. 西部地区通货膨胀率最高,为49.9%,而Volta地区最低,为18.0%。 The Western Region saw the highest inflation at 49.9%, contrasting with the Volta Region's lowest rate at 18.0%. 尽管略有下降,但通货膨胀仍然远远高于加纳银行8%的目标,反映了当前的经济挑战。 Despite the slight decrease, inflation remains well above the Bank of Ghana's target of 8%, reflecting ongoing economic challenges.