Elon Musk指控美援署进行犯罪活动,包括滥用资金用于生物武器研究。 Elon Musk accuses USAID of criminal activity, including misusing funds for biological weapons research.
Elon Musk将美援署称为“犯罪组织”, 指称美援署使用纳税人的钱进行生物武器研究, 包括与COVID-19有关的工作。 Elon Musk has labeled USAID a "criminal organization," alleging it used taxpayer money for biological weapons research, including work linked to COVID-19. 他列举了美援署在阿富汗的海洛因生产等筹资活动和乔治·索罗斯监督的支助组织的说法。 He cites claims of USAID funding activities like heroin production in Afghanistan and supporting organizations monitored by George Soros. 美国还中止了对生态健康联盟的资助,因为美国担心其对冠状病毒研究的监督。 The US also suspended funding to EcoHealth Alliance over concerns about its coronavirus research oversight.