加利福尼亚州高速铁路项目可能会接到取消电话,因为资金可能重新分配到紧急基础设施需求。 California's high-speed rail project faces cancellation calls as funds may be reallocated to urgent infrastructure needs.
加利福尼亚州高速铁路项目于2008年获得批准, 连接洛杉矶和旧金山, 面临因延误和成本超支而取消的呼声。 California's high-speed rail project, approved in 2008 to connect Los Angeles and San Francisco, faces calls for cancellation due to delays and cost overruns. 议员Diane Dixon认为, 资金应该解决道路维修、桥梁维修及野火预防等紧迫问题。 Now expected to start in 2030-2033, Assemblymember Diane Dixon argues that funds should instead address urgent issues like road maintenance, bridge repairs, and wildfire prevention. 狄克逊支持议会第267号法案,将铁路资金重新分配用于这些关键需求。 Dixon supports Assembly Bill 267 to reallocate rail funds to these critical needs.