在伊莎贝尔湖附近发现尸体;警方调查与附近火灾的联系,寻求公众帮助。 Body found near Lake Isabelle; police investigate link to nearby fire, seek public help.
一名男子的尸体于星期天在黑斯廷斯的伊莎贝尔湖附近被发现, 当局正在调查丹麦镇可能与可疑火灾的关联。 A man's body was found near Lake Isabelle in Hastings on Sunday, and authorities are investigating a possible link to a suspicious fire in Denmark Township. 受害人的身份不明,调查人员正在向任何在星期六上午2时至星期日上午9:50之间看到一辆汽车在Raveena Trail停靠的人寻求信息。 The victim's identity is unknown, and investigators are seeking information from anyone who saw a car stopped on Raveena Trail between 2 a.m. Saturday and 9:50 a.m. Sunday. 促请公众在掌握任何相关细节时,与警方联系。 The public is urged to contact the police if they have any relevant details.