Bill Gates,微软的共同创始人, 计划捐出他1600亿美元财富的大部分给慈善事业。 Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, plans to donate most of his $160 billion fortune to philanthropy.
Bill Gates是微软公司的共同创始人,他通过基金会捐赠了超过1 000亿美元,并计划捐出他1 600亿美元财富的大部分。 Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, has donated over $100 billion through his foundation, with plans to give away most of his $160 billion fortune. Gates向BBC透露了这一点,强调他享受慈善事业,致力于解决疾病和贫穷。 Gates revealed this to the BBC, highlighting his enjoyment of philanthropy and his commitment to tackling diseases and poverty. 尽管他慷慨捐助,他仍然保留个人奢侈品,并将留下大量遗产给子女。 Despite his generous donations, he still retains personal luxuries and will leave a significant inheritance to his children. 他的回忆录《源代码:我的开端》详细描述了他的成长是如何影响他在技术和慈善事业方面的道路的。 His memoir, "Source Code: My Beginnings," details how his upbringing influenced his path in technology and philanthropy.