Apple Care+转向订阅模式,到2025年2月结束商店多年预付计划。 Apple shifts AppleCare+ to subscription model, ending multi-year prepaid plans in stores by Feb 2025.
苹果公司计划在2025年2月底前将其扩大的苹果护理+保证金转换成一个只订阅的模型,结束实物商店多年预付计划的销售。 Apple plans to switch its extended AppleCare+ warranties to a subscription-only model by the end of February 2025, ending the sale of multi-year prepaid plans in physical stores. 将在线提供订阅服务,让用户选择服务期限。 Subscriptions will be available online, letting users choose the duration of coverage. 价格每月从2.49美元到24.99美元不等,视产品而定。 Prices vary from $2.49 to $24.99 monthly, depending on the product. AppleCare一年标准保修将保持不变。 The standard one-year AppleCare warranty will remain unchanged.