士兵Abid Bhat报称因未能休假返回工作地点而失踪。 Soldier Abid Bhat reported missing after failing to return to duty station from leave.
一名名叫Abid Bhat的士兵在Anantnag区奇特格尔古尔休假后返回其在Rangreth的工作地点,据报因未如期露面而失踪。 A soldier named Abid Bhat, returning to his duty station in Rangreth from a leave in Chittergul, Anantnag district, was reported missing after not showing up as scheduled. 官员向警方提出了失踪人士的申诉。 Officials filed a missing person's complaint with the police. 初步调查排除了军方参与他的失踪案的可能性。 Initial investigations ruled out any involvement of militancy in his disappearance. 更多细节仍待确定。 More details are still pending.