警方调查Acocks Green60岁男子谋杀案,逮捕了两名嫌疑人。 Police investigating murder of 60-year-old man in Acocks Green; two suspects arrested.
一名60岁男子于2月1日在Acocks Green一栋房屋内被发现身亡,受重伤后,正在对谋杀案进行调查。 A murder investigation is underway after a 60-year-old man was found dead with serious injuries inside a house in Acocks Green on February 1. 受害人认识的两个男子,年龄分别为44岁和62岁,被逮捕;年轻嫌疑人仍被拘押,大嫌犯则被保释。 Two men known to the victim, aged 44 and 62, were arrested; the younger suspect remains in custody while the older one is on bail. 警方正在通过门到门询问进行调查,并审查闭路电视录像。 Police are investigating with door-to-door inquiries and reviewing CCTV footage.