奥运冠军Keeley Hodgkinson(Keeley Hodgkinson)的目标是打破《Keeley Klassic》800米短纪录。 Olympic champion Keeley Hodgkinson aims to break the 800m short track record at the 'Keeley Klassic'.
奥运冠军基利·霍奇金森将在2月15日在伯明翰举行的"基利经典"比赛中试图打破世界800米短跑纪录. Olympic champion Keeley Hodgkinson will attempt to break the world 800m short track record at the 'Keeley Klassic' event on February 15 in Birmingham. 2002年Jolanda Ceplak确定目前的记录为1:55.82。 The current record of 1:55.82 was set by Jolanda Ceplak in 2002. 这次在Utilita竞技场的活动将混合音乐与运动, 以英国顶尖运动员为主角, 并标志霍格金森自奥运获胜以来的首次比赛。 This event at Utilita Arena will blend music and athletics, featuring top British athletes and marking Hodgkinson's first race since her Olympic win. 有关这次活动的更多详情和运动员可在Instagram上查阅。 More details about the event and athletes are available on Instagram.