一名北爱尔兰男子否认捕捉Conor McGregor和他的未婚妻的私密片段 警方正在调查 A Northern Irish man denies capturing intimate footage of Conor McGregor and his fiancée, with police investigating.
北爱尔兰一名20岁的男子否认去年11月在Rostrevor的度假屋拍摄Conor McGregor及其未婚妻亲密行为的录像。 A 20-year-old man in Northern Ireland has denied capturing footage of Conor McGregor and his fiancée in an intimate act at a holiday home in Rostrevor last November. 这名男子由Gavin Booth初级律师代理,在McGregor向国家情报局投诉网上流传的剪辑后,自愿前往警察局接受讯问。 The man, represented by solicitor Gavin Booth, voluntarily attended a police station for questioning after McGregor complained to the PSNI about clips circulating online. Booth说,他的委托人否认所有指控,而且没有证据表明他与犯罪有关。 Booth stated that his client denies all allegations, and there is no evidence linking him to the offense. PSNI 证实了对涉嫌的持续调查。 The PSNI confirmed ongoing inquiries into the alleged voyeurism.