国会的Maken批评AAP在德里教育下降及污染增加。 Maken of Congress criticizes AAP for education decline and increased pollution in Delhi.
国会党的Ajay Maken指控德里的AAP政府教育与交通不力。 Ajay Maken of the Congress party accused the AAP government in Delhi of failing in education and transport. 他声称,根据AAP的任期,政府学校的12年级毕业生和学生人数有所减少,而由于公共汽车车队的减少,污染有所增加。 He claimed that under AAP's tenure, the number of Class 12 graduates and students in government schools has decreased, while pollution has increased due to a decline in the bus fleet. AAP驳斥这些说法,并指责国会与BJP一致,诋毁他们。 AAP refutes the claims and accuses the Congress of aligning with BJP to discredit them.