Lily Collins和Charlie McDowell通过代孕欢迎他们的女儿,激起欢乐和争议。 Lily Collins and Charlie McDowell welcomed their daughter via surrogacy, sparking both joy and controversy.
1月31日Lily Collins和Charlie McDowell通过代孕方式欢迎他们的女儿Tove Jane McDowell。 Lily Collins and Charlie McDowell welcomed their daughter, Tove Jane McDowell, via surrogacy on January 31. 这对夫妇在Instagram上分享了消息,感谢他们的代孕者和所有参与者。 The couple shared the news on Instagram, expressing gratitude to their surrogate and everyone involved. 虽然许多人支持这一公告,但有些人批评他们选择代孕。 While many supported the announcement, some criticized their choice of surrogacy. 作为回应,麦克道威尔敦促人们关注爱与幸福,而不是负面评论。 In response, McDowell urged people to focus on love and happiness instead of negative comments. 这对夫妇于2021年结婚, 于2019年首次在麦克道威尔的电影上相遇。 The couple, married in 2021, first met on the set of McDowell's film in 2019.