孟加拉国民族主义党领导人在Nangalkot与对立党支持者发生冲突时被杀。 Leader of Bangladesh's BNP faction killed in clash with rival party supporters in Nangalkot.
在孟加拉国民族主义党两个派别之间的冲突中,Swechchhasebak Dal领导人Md Selim Bhuiyan在孟加拉国南加尔科特被杀。 In a clash between two factions of Bangladesh's BNP party, a leader of the Swechchhasebak Dal, Md Selim Bhuiyan, was killed in Nangalkot, Bangladesh. 前立法者Abdul Gafur Bhuiyan的支持者与穆巴什韦尔·阿拉姆·布威扬(Mobashwer Alam Bhuiyan)分队主席穆巴齐拉(Mobashwer Alam Bhuiyan)的支持者之间爆发了斗殴。 The fight broke out between supporters of former lawmaker Abdul Gafur Bhuiyan and the upazila unit president, Mobashwer Alam Bhuiyan. 在Gafur Bhuiyan的车队经过Bangadda Bazar时发生的事件中,至少另有10人受伤。 At least 10 others were injured in the incident, which occurred when Gafur Bhuiyan's convoy was passing through Bangadda Bazar.