哈萨克斯坦铁路用数字多边形对AI进行测试,这是兴旺的全球AI产业的一部分。 Kazakhstan Railways tests AI with digital polygons, part of a booming global AI industry.
哈萨克斯坦铁路正在使用数字多边形测试改善铁路运营的AI解决方案。 Kazakhstan Railways is using digital polygons to test AI solutions for improving railway operations. 全球AI支出每年增长30%以上,GenAI市场最近翻了一番以上。 Global AI spending is growing over 30% annually, with the GenAI market more than doubling recently. 到2028年,全球AI支出预计将超过6200亿美元。 By 2028, global AI spending is predicted to exceed $620 billion. 这一倡议为信息技术公司、大学和技术园区在现实世界铁路环境中开发和测试AI提供了平台。 This initiative provides platforms for IT companies, universities, and technoparks to develop and test AI in real-world railway settings.