ishares iBonds Munibond ETFs宣布2月6日应分的股息为每股0.04至0.05美元。 iShares iBonds Muni Bond ETFs announce dividends ranging from $0.04 to $0.05 per share, payable February 6.
几家ishares iBonds Munibond ETF公司于2月3日宣布了记录股东的股息,2月6日付款。 Several iShares iBonds Muni Bond ETFs have announced dividends for shareholders of record on February 3, with payments on February 6. 股利从每股0.4美元到0.05美元不等。 Dividends range from $0.04 to $0.05 per share. 特别信托基金的重点是2025年至2030年期间到期的美国投资级市政债券。 The ETFs focus on investment-grade U.S. municipal bonds maturing between 2025 and 2030. 1月31日,股票价格略有变化,交易量在22 274至115 616股之间。 On January 31, the stocks showed slight changes in price, with trading volumes varying between 22,274 and 115,616 shares. 由BlackRock管理的这些ETF旨在提供长期资本升值和收入。 These ETFs, managed by BlackRock, aim to provide long-term capital appreciation and income.